Wet Moto2 free practice in the GP of the Americas

Again, the weather conditions affected Friday's free practice. Gomez got acquainted with the Circuit of America, and Vietti looked for the best solutions for his bike.


Austin (Texas, USA), 14 April 2023


The first day of free practice for the Moto2 GP of the Americas has ended in Austin, Texas. Once again, the sky played its part: light rain soaked the asphalt at COTA.

The Fantic Racing team riders took advantage of the time available to understand the most suitable solutions for tomorrow's qualifying.

Celestino Vietti: "Unfortunately, we've missed the Q2 just by a little gap, and we're out of the first 14 riders.
The positive aspect is that I felt comfortable riding this afternoon, and despite the weather conditions, we have done a good FP2.
I need to improve the 1st sector, while we are competitive in the others.
If tomorrow we'll manage the tires properly. Then, we can enter the Q2, and I am very confident."

Borja Gomez: "As a first-time riding on this track, I can say that today was a tough day, but with positive feelings. We have made good progress between FP1 and FP2, the track is not easy to learn, and I'm still finding the references, but we are on the right path. 
The objective for tomorrow is to keep working hard with my team and learning. "


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