Fantic Racing MX chasing title at Internazionali d'Italia 2023

Elias Escandell, riding the Fantic XX 125, will try to take the overall win in the eight-liter class. In MX2, Marco Maddii's riders will try to improve on Sunday's result.


Santa Maria di Sala, February 17th, 2023


The Internazionali d'Italia motocross championships are being awarded at the Arco di Trento circuit. After the Ponte a Egola (PI) round, the Fantic Racing MX team finished second overall in the 125 class with Elias Escandell. It was the first race with the respective bikes for Marco Maddii's riders in MX2 class: Tom Guyon with the 4T XXF 250, Cas Valk and Alexis Fueri riding the 2T XX 250.

At the Santa Barbara circuit, Elias Escandell alternated on the first two steps of the podium with Alfio Pulvirenti. They could be the contenders for the title. However, outsiders should not be underestimated because they can still will the Championship. Escandell, further to debut on the Fantic XX 125, returned to race after an 8-month stop due to the LCA incident, but the #6 Spaniard had no fear. On the contrary, he brought all his desire to be where he likes to be, on the bike, where he looked comfortable.

Maximillian Werner was also on his debut with the 2T Fantic and showed great confidence.

Tom Guyon, Cas Valk, and Alexis Fueri are expected to ride with the same spirit in the MX2. 

They are still facing their new bikes and have to compete with many riders indicated as potential world champions. In short, it was not precisely the easiest Sunday for them, but for that very reason, to be ridden with enthusiasm and to be used to continue to know their bikes and limits. 

Marco Maddii, team manager of the Fantic Racing MX team: "Elias Sunday had an excellent race, and we hope he can repeat in Round 2 in Arco, making that extra effort to improve that is needed to win the title. In MX2, we can also feel the starting grid competitiveness. Tom, Cas, and Alexis are looking to bounce back after the first two races. It's a race that will serve everyone well from a world and European perspective."


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