The Fantic Racing MX team ready for the Portuguese GP

After the brilliant performances of the two previous rounds, the Fantic Racing riders will face the new circuit of Agueda, Portugal.

Santa Maria di Sala (VE), April 28th, 2023


This weekend Marco Maddii's Fantic Racing MX team is engaged in the GP of Portugal, the fifth round of the MXGP World Championship. The circuit of Agueda is historic and has been on the calendar for a long time, since 1985. However, the track will have a variation this year as the direction will be inverted, adding to the challenge for every rider as this will feel like a new circuit.

In the MX2 World Championship, Tom Guyon will still be absent. The French rider has not fully recovered from the shoulder injury suffered during the Argentinian GP. In agreement with team manager Marco Maddii, Tom preferred to take more time and avoid risks. 

In the EMX125, Max Werner and Elias Escandell are coming from second and third place at the GP del Trentino and are looking to improve their performance. The Spaniard is second in the overall standing and aims at the podium's top step.

Nicolò Mannini will also be present: the 14-year-old Tuscan rider continues his growth after getting his first European points in the GP of Trentino.

In the EMX250, Cas Valk, making his debut in the quarter-litre class, is third overall. Race after race, he increases his confidence in the saddle of the Fantic XX 250. The Dutchman is aiming to climb the steps of the podium. 

Alexis Fueri also wants to improve his position in the classification, a result within reach, given his excellent performance in recent races. He has shown he can stay in the top places. 

Marco Maddii (Fantic Racing MX Team Manager): "It's a pity about Tom, but it's better not to risk worsening the situation and prolonging the recovery time even further. We are waiting for him for the next round, the Spanish GP. For the EMX250 and EMX125, the guys are coming from positive results, and we want to repeat these performances in Portugal".


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